Saturday, May 05, 2007

Going Out with DN

You know you are a boring old fart of a parent when the only shopping centre you go to now is Paragon because they have a floor dedicated to kids. (They give free popcorn on weekends for the kiddos! I go there pretending I'm getting some for DN, hur hur. *greedy Singaporean pig*)

We were there AGAIN today.

Bringing DN out now is a little more troublesome now that he's started on solids. The diaper bag weighs a TON because His Royal Highness's porridge needs to be kept warm in a Thermos. To protect his majesty's clothes, us lowly servants also pack a bib, small towels and a little toy to entertain the mighty one as he partakes in his meal.

Chey! So troublesome!

Anyway, I took some random photos today and decided to compare them to some earlier ones. DN has grown! As of today, he is 8 months and 3 days old. Hee. :D PF and I are now seriously talking about what to do for his 1st birthday party. Wow.

DN @ 2 mths, 25 days

The beanie was still big, we had to fold it up a little.

DN @ 8 mths, 3 days

The beanie now fits!

(same look, different direction, LOL)

Not a flattering shot coz of his 'spacey' eyes, but just wanted to show off my favourite DN outfit - navy polo tee & jeans. Machiam public school boy!

The beanie wasn't on the head for long. 20 bucks down the drain. -_-

DN @ 2 mths, 10 days

Yes, I know. That pillow thing makes him look like Princess Leia. But it keeps his head from lolling about la!

DN @ 8 mths, 3 days

Know why DN's making that face?

Coz that's what he's eating! Brown rice porridge & spinach.

Looks nasty!

Fuzzy photos are caused by vibrating babies.

See the thing at DN's knee? That's DN's favourite toy, Crinkle. We've spent good $$ on toys that twirl, roll, sing and do your taxes, but the one he likes the most does nothing and was free! -_-

Crinkle is stuffed with plastic so he makes a crinkly sound when you squeeze him. DN just loves him. Or rather, his limbs and head coz they fit in DN's mouth perfectly.

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