Saturday, March 15, 2008

Day 6 :: Fremantle - Perth City

0830 :: Up! (and I don't know how, but we manage to flop about in the apartment for 3 hours!)
1130 :: Walk to the Fremantle Markets. We buy some peaches, plums, nectarines, a smoothie and a hotdog. Hmm... turns out less than what we expected. More like a pasar malam with tacky souvenirs than a place for independent artists/craftsmen to sell their wares. (Honestly speaking, I have more fun at Daiso.)
1500 :: Drive to Harbour Town and DN naps for half an hour on the way. The nap's long overdue (his first of the day) and he's super cranky when we get there. DN is a light sleeper and we've never been able to transfer him from car seat to stroller successfully without waking him up. The poor guy's tummy is also not well and he pukes in 2 stores. On the carpet. In front of other shoppers. Oh.
1700 :: Back in the apartment. DN takes his (long-deserved) 2nd nap from 5-630pm. We cook his dinner and stay in tonight. DN feels much better.
2100 :: Story time & bed for DN.

Lunch :: AU$11.50 (smoothie, hot dog)
Dinner :: AU$13 (subway, chips)

* we're really eating junk on this trip. we miss our rice & noodles. :(

How does a bored tot entertain himself in a boring apartment? He plays with the pots and pans of course! The first thing we had to do was remove all sharp items and cleaning agents from the lower cupboards and drawers.

The act of childproofing is now second nature to me. When I visit friends' houses, I feel like Bionic Woman. My eye becomes a "power eye" you know? I see those red circles that zoom in on toddler hazards (mobile phones on coffee tables, wine glasses on floors, and in DN's case, opened containers of biscuits) and a teh-teh-teh sounds off in my brain.

ps : can you see his furry feet? they are actually socks! (from his grand-aunt in shanghai) i love them. it's a lion's face and the furry bits is the lion's mane. haha!

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