Monday, April 28, 2008

Nature vs Nurture

Do we influence girls to like dolls, princesses and pink? Do boys have a natural affinity for trucks, tools and blue?

Well, I think it's innate. :D

These past two months, DN has developed this obsession for construction sites, excavators, cranes, piling machines and steam rollers. (On hindsight, a good thing, because it increased my construction vocabulary beyond "digger".) Everytime we pass something vaguely construction-related, he will start to point and wave, scream and shout.

DN : "Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!"
Me : "..." (clearly oblivious because these things don't feature in my radar... the stuff that shows up on my radar have handles, start with "b" and end with "ags")
DN : (louder) "AAAAAhhhhh...!"
PF : "Oi! He's telling you about the excavator!"
Me : (fake joy) "Wow! What's that! It's huge! It's an excavator! Amazing!"

If we don't acknowledge what he's seen, he carries on shouting. He loves to look at these machines and can just stand there and stare at them for minutes. I think this one will faint in joy if ever he gets to sit in an excavator.

PF (aka Bob the Builder) is SO pleased.

I spy with my little eye...

Diggers! Cranes!

Digger! Excavator!

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