This is one of DN's favourite words I think. He used to get so excited when he saw us cutting up food for him, so I guess it isn't that surprising that this was one of his first few words.
Actually, he still gets excited when we cut food for him. He'll shout "cut! cut!" and mimic the chopping action with (a questionable) fervour.
PF and I were at Mustafa last weekend and I was so tempted to buy DN this kitchen-food set that consisted of some plastic food and utensils. The best thing about it was this piece of corn that you could split into two, perfect for cutting! I knew DN would love it.
Even though it was only $10, we didn't get it because only one piece looked fun (the corn). The rest were just boring, static pieces like a carton of milk (made of cardboard, how wise is that!), a skillet (yawn) and a plate (ho hum). Also, for only $10, the plastic was probably radioactive or something.
Well... God bless the Great Singapore Sale! Woot!
We got this wonderful toy at ELC for 30% off its usual price. You can cut ALL the fruit, not just one measly piece of corn, AND the plastic will not sprout legs and walk away.
Cut, cut and away!
Sale Price $23.10
No way would I have paid 33 bucks for plastic fruit. In the wise words of my brother, "Alamak, might as well buy real fruit for him to cut!"
But I just saw the Toys R Us catalog. They're selling a similar set for $14.95. ARGH. -_-