Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What's wrong with you people?

I bet that's what DN is thinking whenever strangers ask him if they can take his baby sister home with them. Why do people do that?

"Can I bring your Mei Mei home?"
"Mei Mei go home with me can or not?"
"Let me bring your Mei Mei home today. I'll bring her back tomorrow okay?"

If we strip those requests down to their bare bones, it's kidnapping eh! Read : not legal! And people get really high on hearing DN say, "No, that's MY mei mei!". I guess he passed their "are you a loyal brother?" test. So far, he hasn't failed that test yet because he lurvvves his sister. But if this goes on much longer, I'm not sure he'll pass the "are you polite to strangers?" test.

Are you one of those who like to ask little children for permission to take their sibling away? If you aren't, then ok! If you are then, erm... hmm... hem... haw...

*awkward silence*

*sound of crickets*

Okay then!

The other day, we were in a store and the same thing happened.

Salesgirl : Wah! Can I bring your baby home?
DN : No.
Salesgirl (won't let up) : Please? Please? She's very cute.
DN : No!
Salesgirl (still at it) : But why? Why cannot?
DN : That's my mei mei!
Salesgirl (almost high) : Just one day lah! Let me bring your baby home okay?
DN : No. You go hospital to get one!


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