You know how once in a while, you put things off for SO LONG that it literally becomes embarrassing to pick up the activity again? For example, vowing to learn how to rollerSKATE (not rollerBLADE). Well, this post is almost embarrassing to post because it's so overdue. I meant to upload this in DECEMBER when we actually went to the farm, and whoops, it's April! :(
One weekend in December, we brought DN to Longdown Activity Farm, about a half hour drive from where we were staying. It was free for DN and £7 for each of us. What a fun morning! The farm had half-hourly activities like:
1. Bottle Feeding the Goat Kids
2. Duck Feeding (OMG, you should how these ducks eat! Pushing, shoving, climbing over each other... no decorum whatsoever, tut tut.)
JUST KIDDING! This guy was just hanging out in a pen, showing off his long locks. Check out that fringe.
4. Small Animal Handling
They also sold organic, free-range eggs at the farm, and you could pick your own. The children kept opening the lids to check for eggs... open-shut-open-shut-open-shut-open-shut... No wonder none of the chickens wanted to lay eggs in there. "Excuse me, I'm passing something out of my bottom, can I have some privacy PLEASE!"
Fancy keeping some chickens at home?
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