Thursday, December 14, 2006

What HRH has been up to this week

1. DN is balding.

Every morning I wake up to find him looking more and more like a lightbulb. There are little hairs all over the place... on his pillow, on his bedsheet, on his face, on his pacifier, in my mouth... (!!!)

2. DN started flipping onto his side this week!

It just happened all of a sudden. One minute he was flat on his back on the changing table and the next, he was on his side looking at me. The view of the ceiling is not as interesting as it used to be, hahaha! If I had to look at the ceiling all day, I would go mad too. (hmm... maybe that's why all his hair is falling out!!!!!)

3. DN got his jab.

DN visited his paediatrician, Dr Keoy, (whose name caused PF and I a lot of GRIEF... "When does DN have to see Dr Kio? Kiao? Koi? Koo? Koh? What IS his name???") yesterday and got his vaccination jab. When Dr Keoy brandished the syringe and jabbed it into DN's buttock, I was the only one in the room cringing. Not a peep from DN, not a grimace, not a whimper... alamak, he even smiled at me. Now, that's what I call "BUNS OF STEEL"!

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