Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Birthday Wishes

It cost me 17 bucks to fill up 13 balloons for DN's birthday party. It was $1 for each of the small blue balloons and $5 (ack!) for the big foil one. After the party, there are 2 things you can do with the balloons.
  1. Admire them on your ceiling for a day, knowing that impending doom awaits them. By the next morning, they'll be rolling on the floor.
  2. Undo the knots at the end of the party and suck up all the helium and sayasmanythingsasyoucaninonebreathbeforekeelingoverinlaughter.
Those who know me will know that the obvious choice for me was number (2).

And those who know I have the Sony Ericsson k800i will know that I recorded everything! (how can I waste $17 right???)

Disclaimer : Large amounts of helium will deprive your brain of needed oxygen, killing brain cells and making it difficult to pass your chemistry class. Small amounts of helium are alright. No teenagers were harmed in the making of the above video. Can't say the same for the adults.

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