Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Grinch

I remember putting a baby in bed on Christmas Eve, but something must have happened at night because it wasn't a baby who woke up on Christmas Day. It was... THE GRINCH.

I don't know what came over DN yesterday. He was grumpy, testy and very disagreeable. He didn't want to eat his breakfast cereal, lunch or dinner and survived on crackers and apples the whole day. Whenever we took anything away from him, he'd lose his temper, start wailing and knock his head on the floor. (!!!) (Stop it! You only have one okay!!!)

Great. Just what I needed on Christmas Day when we're all supposed to be on our best behaviour (and I'm not supposed to use expletives around the baby).

At around 9am, I lost my temper. I quickly passed him over to PF because if I'd continued to be around DN, I would have lost it and shouted at him (and I mean, really SHOUTED at him). It was that frustrating!

Looking back now, I know what the problem is. The problem is me. :( I haven't come to terms with 3 things.

1. I can't control everything.
With a baby, it's difficult to have a schedule and expect him to follow it all the time. Sometimes, he just doesn't want to eat porridge at 12.30pm and unless I knock him out and feed it to him via IV, "it ain't gonna happen buddy." When I cook a new dish (like the Shepherd's Pie), I must be prepared for him to hate it and start using it as paint.

2. I can't expect the house to be neat and clean all the time.
There will always be toys on the floor, books on the couch and porridge on the wall. Sometimes, I look like Quasimodo, hunched over and scurrying all over the house, wiping food off the floor and picking up toys and books. Sometimes, I lose it when DN flings food around or sweeps all his books onto the floor. But I know he's still young and everything is new and just waiting for him to explore, so he's just being curious.

3. I can't expect to have my social life back.
Okay, this one I knew for a long time. I think I'll only get it back when DN goes to the army. -_-

It was 2 new teeth that caused the grinch-like behaviour. 2 incisors, 1 on top and 1 below. Sodesune!

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