Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Price tag, name tag, DN's been tagged!

I've seen these on other people's blogs and have secretly harboured the hope that I'd get tagged too, hee. Ling tagged me so here goes... 5 things! (I'm tagging on DN's behalf.)

A. Found in my Room

1. A big mess (Mom & Dad keep trying to get me to pack all my toys, but I have more important things to do... like overturning this bucket and all its contents onto the floor.)
2. Diapers - NTUC tape diapers (for day), Nepia pull-ups (for nights) & Nepia tape diapers.
3. A Flensted Dog Mobile
4. My little library of books - The Eric Carle ones are my favourites.
5. Dust! :(

B. I have always wanted to...

1. Climb up the stairs myself (but Mom won't let me)
2. Put my hand in the fish tank and play with the fish (but Mom won't let me)
3. Get out of my stroller the minute I'm put in (but Mom won't let me)
4. Pull Mom's earrings because they're so sparkly and dangly and be-yoo-ti-ful (but Mom won't let me)
5. Pee & poop in the potty Mom, but sometimes when you gotta go, you gotta go. Time and tide waits for no potty!

C. Found in my (diaper) bag

1. Munchkin suction bowl
2. Pigeon fork and spoon set
3. My snacks! Sometimes Mom stews fruit for me, most times it's crackers.
4. Water bottle
5. Diapers

D. Found in my (mommy's) wallet

1. 2 pictures of Mom, Dad and me :)
2. Discount cards that she hardly uses but daren't throw away coz "you never know!"
3. Bobby pins
4. Lip balm
5. (not enough) Money

E. I'm currently into...

1. Opening and closing drawers and taking things out and in
2. Begging Mom and Dad for bites of their food
3. Drawing on the IKEA chalk board
4. Signing "tree", "leaf" and "baby"
5. Giving kisses without being asked!

5 people I'm tagging

1. My Aunt Dawn
2. My Uncle Josh
3. Mom's best friend, Aunty Li Yen, who only wants to be known as ZHE ZHE Li Yen
4. Mom's forum friend, Michelle
5. Mom's forum friend, Shirlyn

Ready, set, GO!

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