Sunday, May 11, 2008

DN's Lair

A few months ago, DN inherited this uber-cool Little Tykes castle from his cousins Keane & Keefe who are already... 15 and 14! I swear, Little Tykes toys last forever. They're like Terminator-Plastic.

Those of you who have been to our place will know that we live in a wee little house. There's just enough space for all 4 of us and just enough space for all of PF's our junk. It's definitely not grand living, but cosy living suits us just fine. :)

Anyway, the castle sat in our study for 2 months coz we just didn't know where to put it.

No. Even Terminator-Plastic's not a match for Flash's radioactive pee.

No. It's a tiny 3m x 3m room which already has a washer, dryer, 2 bookshelves and 2 desks. (!!)

DN's room?
No. Putting it there means taking out his cot. Then he'd have to sleep in the castle (which isn't that bad an idea, but not yet).

The planets must have been in the right alignment last Sunday (or the cogs in our brains finally deigned to move) because we found the perfect place for the castle, and it was staring us in the face the whole time : the front yard. -_- What a pair of gorblocks (read : right idiots) we are. I don't know what PF's excuse is. Mine is childbirth.

Our storeroom study.

The castle's new home, our front yard. :D

It looks really easy to put up coz it only has 4 sides, but it's not. As PF and Josh struggle to mix and match the 10kg panels, I help by pointing the fan at them and shouting words of encouragement. HA!

Then it took us 5 minutes to decide where the slide should point. -_-

We finally got to use these foam mats that came in a "congrats on your new baby" hamper from my office in 2006. HA!

This is what the king of the castle did when we gave him the go ahead to go out and play just now. He's such an auntie. All he needs now is some tissue paper under his sleeve.

Thanks for the castle, Aunty Penny! :)

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