Wednesday, June 11, 2008


About two weeks ago, DN started saying "guitar" (of all words!). Not "fish" or "dog" or "monkey", but "guitar". I swear, he picks up the strangest words. Here're some words he can say so far :

car, up, duck, papa, mama, cut, pork (??), bye-bye, zai jian and...

... TAU POK!

He overheard Funny Bee and I talking about her friend's chihuahua, Tau Pok (isn't that the best name ever for a brown and white chihuahua?!), and he started saying "Pau Pok! Pau Pok! Pau Pok!". Wa-hahahaha. We had a good laugh in the car.

Okay, back to guitars. Since DN started saying "guitar", he's been obsessed with them. He makes us show him the pictures of guitars in his books, he points out pictures of guitars in the newspapers and he plays air guitar when we say "guitar". So PF thought it would be nice if he had a guitar of his own. He wanted to get a real-ish type plastic guitar with strings and all, not those fancy-schmancy guitars that play Christmas carols and shoot out fireworks.

PF looked for two whole weeks and couldn't find a simple guitar!

Until we went to Clementi Central. Who needs Toys R Us when you have Sinma Pte Ltd? One up for the neighbourhood store. It was the best $3.90 we've ever spent. ;)

This is him when we gave him the guitar. He couldn't stop smiling and grinning! DN has a little dimple that pops out when he smiles real hard. It made a 30 minute appearance that day. ;)

He was even admiring it in the car.

DN doing an acoustic solo.

Rock on!
Check out the nifty finger work.

I love it! It's only $3.90!

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