Monday, June 09, 2008

"I want to do it MYSELF!"

DN just lurvvves to self-feed. By self-feeding he can control what goes into his mouth, and most importantly, at what speed. Sometimes, when I'm too slow in feeding him, he paws at my hand (the one with the fork/spoon), grabs it and pulls it towards his mouth. If he was more eloquent, he'd probably say, "Get with the programme, Mom!"

My little DN is like a little cro-magnon man when it comes to food. Think caveman grabbing chicken drumstick, holding it up to his face, elbow in the air and ripping the meat off the bone with his teeth. *smack*smack*

When DN eats rice, he's as glamourous as a hippo in a tutu. When he shovels rice into his mouth, he uses his palm, like your good ole neanderthal. There's rice in his hair, on his cheek, on his pants, in his chair, on the floor...

So we decided to get this bib...

... the Kiddopotamus Bibbity Rinse-and-Roll Bib! It's made of silicon, so you just clean it with soap and water and - tadah! - it's ready to use again. No more waiting for bibs to dry. Also, because it's silicon, the catcher sticks out and catches everything (almost). Way better than those cloth catcher bibs.

We used it for the first time at dinner last night and it worked great. Actually, it worked "better" than we thought. When DN saw all the food that landed in the catcher, I bet he rubbed his hands in glee. He was helping himself to the food in the catcher all night long. He probably thought, "Hey! I get a second chance now! Cool bananas!"

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