Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Last Day of School

This is post is so overdue, it's not funny. I'm so sorry, but I've been knocked out by the flu and swamped with stuff at work. Pooh.

I haven't "announced" this on the blog, but PF and I signed DN up for a weekly playgroup class at Julia Gabriel for 1 term (10 weeks). Because they follow the regular school term, 24 May was also the "last day of school" for DN.

Aiyoh. I felt like a proud mama hen, with my plume of feathers all plumped up and glossy and my ego swelling to dangerous proportions, threatening to burst out of the room. I looked like my son had just found the cure to cancer.


Never mind that all DN has done these past 10 weeks is wander around the room while the teacher is talking, gaze longingly out the window at the outdoor playground (again, while the teacher is talking) and stain my jeans red with the water pistol filled with red paint which he was supposed to aim at the mahjong paper, not his mother.

Sorry, where was I? Ah yes, the cure for cancer. If I felt this way on the last day of ONE term of PLAYGROUP, I think I'm going to collapse when he graduates from University.


So anyway, we had a little party to celebrate the last day of term. Hmm... actually "celebrate" is not really a good term because DN really enjoyed those sessions. It's too bad that it's over. I can understand why the teachers are celebrating though!

The 2nd last week of school, we were told to bring a little something for the party. I decided to bite off more than I could chew make konnyaku jelly. You know the saying - "a woman's place is in the kitchen"? Well, mine's definitely not there. I had to throw half the jellies away because the culinary dunce in me decided to substitue half of the water with the leftover fruit cocktail syrup. Sadly, the "but they're both liquids!" argument holds no water.

The said / sad jellies.

DN got his face painted, but wouldn't keep still. See the crooked whiskers?

There is always an art and craft activity during these playgroup session. This week's activity was creating a fruit punch for the potluck.

During art and craft, we always let DN do his own thing instead of guiding his hand to paint within the lines or to paint the sun yellow.

There was a second activity that day. The kiddos got to watch bubbles being made - baking soda and vinegar.

DN receiving his certificate, heh heh.


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