Sunday, June 15, 2008

What a morning!

Two Fridays ago, both PF and I took the day off. When you're a parent, taking a day off is not taking a day off. Unless the toddler is at his grandmother's of course.

At 7am, DN becomes bionic baby and can hear the dust rolling in the corner of our bedroom - the slightest sound and he's up. It's like his eyes pop open and he sits up like someone has released the spring in his back. BOING!

And he bounces (literally) out of bed and starts abusing terrorising rousing his parents. You see, DN will not stand for sleeping parents. He goes, "Mama! Mama! Papa! Papa! Up! Up! UPPPPP!" over and over and over. If verbal abuse doesn't work, he resorts to abuse of the physical sort. He will sit on our bellies and bounce. Doesn't work? He tries to lift our snoring heads up and shout "UP!" at the same time.

The poor guy. It's a gargantuan task really. The slug force is strong in us.

He definitely doesn't get the early bird gene from PF or myself because we have the comatose-until-12-noon gene. (My mom used to wake me up for school by pinching my legs. For 10 minutes!) So I don't know where he gets this trait from. Sometimes I wonder if the hospital switched babies when I wasn't looking and put a firecracker in my baby's cot.

Back to that Friday. After finally dragging my sorry butt out of bed, I lumbered downstairs like Babar the Elephant and set about making breakfast for the excitable toddler. After breakfast, I looked at the clock and went, "!!??!". It's only 8.15am! What am I going to do next with the excitable toddler?

Ah-ha! Now's a good time to finally use that activity pack Julia Gabriel gave us when class was cancelled one week because of the HFMD outbreak. So I stripped the toddler to his diaper and plonked him in his high chair, trembling with excitement just watching me get everything ready.

He loved it!

In the pack are "ingredients" for fried rice. The bag of yellow glue is "oil", the white crepe paper is "rice", the green stickers are "peas" and the paper plate is the "wok".

I helped DN with the peas but he "fried" the rest of the dish himself.
Looking mighty pleased with his oily fried rice. This dish definitely won't get the Healthy Choice sticker.

After adding the prawns and egg, it's time to throw in the rice.

After a few grains, DN got fed up and just dumped the whole container of rice into the wok!

No gloves in the kitchen. Tsk tsk tsk.

The finished dish. :D

DN was having so much fun, I decided to let him continue painting with the glue on rough paper I found in the house.

Time check : 9.00am! Only??!

DN and I go upstairs on the pretext of getting a diaper, but really to make some noise to wake PF up. Success! The father slug wakes up and we decide to troop off to Katong for breakfast.

PF orders a Pi Pa Kao canned drink, much to my amazement. The can is damn retro man. Tradition in a can!

It's Sarawak Laksa for PF...
... Chin Mee Chin cupcakes for me :)...

... and chai tow kuay for all of us.

DN : "What?! I have to share?"

What a great breakfast! Food was good, weather was actually balmy and DN was his same amusing self, endearing the other kopi tiam diners to him. He kept smiling at this man sitting at the next table. I thought he was being friendly... until I saw the roti prata on the man's plate. He's beo-ing* the roti prata!

Since we were in the East, we drove over to the beach for a little walk.

The weather was really nice that day, and because it was a weekday, it was empty. :)

We found twigs and started drawing in the sand. I found a crab hole (this sounds so wrong, but for the life of me, I can't think of the proper name for it!) and showed it to DN. He probably understood 2% of my explanation of why crabs dig holes in the sand and where they go when the tide comes in.

I don't think I even understood myself.

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