Thursday, September 18, 2008

All zoo-ed out! (Part 1)

Because I won't get to see DN for about a month o_o, I'm trying to spend as much time as I can with him now before I leave. We went to the zoo twice this week, two days IN A ROW, and I've found my "zoo limit". No way can I do three days in a row because I will look like this.

We went to the zoo with Rina + Rae Ann and Ling + Sophie on Wednesday and my advice to all is this - go on a weekday. We've gone on a weekend and it's bloody awful. Unless you're into masochism and go to Comex AND ENJOY IT, go on a weekday. Please!

The kiddos at the entrance - fresh, dry and fragrant! (but not for long)

We had a wonderful time at the zoo because it was empty. :) We got there in time to catch the Splash Safari Show (featuring penguins, manatees, pelicans and sea lions). After that, we said hello to the elephants and then headed straight to the water playground.

I love manatees. Gentle sea cows who eat sea grass. :)

Funnily, DN is terribly wary of water playgrounds and all its bells and whistles. Here is someone who doesn't think twice about jumping into a deep swimming pool, but won't go near a shower fountain. Every time I tried to take off his t-shirt, he said, "no no no no no". So we sat on the bench for awhile. I was ready to sit there with him and wait for the two girls, but after awhile, he took the swim diaper from me and tried to put in on over his shorts, LOL. I guess he was ready!

DN was the driest of the three. I was pleased as punch when he finally bent down to splash some water. For the longest time, he was walking along the edge of the pool, throwing leaves into it. (?)

Picture Of The Day -->
Ling was theme coordinated! The zoo should give her a pass for her effort.

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