Friday, September 12, 2008

The Big News

Come 21 September, DN updates will be on hold for about a month. I've been hanging on to this piece of news for a long time and I think the time is right to tell everyone that The Ongs will be relocating to the UK for half a year. Yup yup! I will be going back to school (argh, need to get the brain out of storage) and will be at the mercy of professors and assignments, instead of the other way around. -_-

The reason why DN updates will be on hold is because of my sillly husband certain circumstances that involve my husband and the late submission of a dissertation. ("I told you get started in June right!?! See lah!") -_- I'm flying off first (next Sunday) and DN and PF will join me goodness knows when, it's all PF's fault! later. I will miss the little DN terribly. (Note : I didn't mention PF. For a reason.)

I'm sure by now, you must be wondering the following.
  • Finished packing?
  • Visa done?
  • Accomodation sorted?
  • Life in order?
1. Finished Packing
Are you kidding me?

2. Visa done?
Hmm... it's 50% done. I applied for it on Monday (and waited 3 hours in the queue... almost strangled myself) and it takes a minimum of 5-7 working days for it to come back. Yes, I am cutting it very fine.

3. Accomodation sorted?
This one, I'm happy to announce - YES! We finally secured a 1-bedroom house at 5pm today. We've been looking for about a month and it's been so tough because the rental market is crazy-hot right now. Flats/houses go just like that. On top of that, many properties don't even want students or children, and we have BOTH. And they all want you to look at the property first, before they'll rent it to you. I'm like, "Yeah thanks. You just made my life much easier." Thank goodness PF's friend was able to drive to Winchester to look at this house for us. There was already a scheduled viewing for Saturday and one at 12pm today. We bull-dozed everyone aside (unapologetically) and squeezed Ian in at 10am. So there. Never mess with a kiasu-kiasi Singaporean.

Awright! I will not be sleeping in a park in Winchester next week.

4. Life in order?
Pretty much so I think. Except for an incident 3 days ago when I broke down and cried into my laptop because every flat/house I called about was taken, I think I'm handling it pretty well. No bald patches (I drop hair when I'm stressed) and I haven't strangled my husband, my polar opposite. Imagine me, with my 8 kan cheong spider legs waving in the air, looking in disbelief at my (cool) cucumber of a husband lying (he says he's not sleeping, just resting with eyes closed) on the living room floor as other more productive people are renting flats left, right and center of us. He never understands why I get so stressed.

This reminds me of that time we missed our 6.45am flight to Chiang Mai because we woke up at 6.35am. My 8 legs were in overdrive and I was crying, googling for Tiger Airways' telephone number and hemorrhaging. My cucumber husband looked at the clock and went back to bed!

I had to keep telling myself, "Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang." and "Murder carries a death sentence. Murder carries a death sentence. Murder carries a death sentence."

To bid us farewell, the Sept moms organised a little "Farewell Ongs" BBQ party. All of DN's favourite things and people were there - satay, his buddies, a playground, satay, ribena and did I mention satay? At one point, he was halfway up the rope ladder leading to the slide when he turned and saw PF sitting nearby with 3 satay sticks. Now if you were a precocious little child who loves slides, and there only 1 more kid just ahead of you, but 2 more queueing up behind you to slide down, what would you do?

Well, let's just say DN loves satay more than he loves slides. He stopped, shouted "PAPA!" (only because he couldn't say "satay"), scrambled down the rope ladder and ran towards his beloved Papa satay. He was seldom without a satay stick that night.

At the end of the night, we were presented with farewell gifts! Awww shucks. :) We each got a scarf and (my fav) a scrapbook of homemade pages from all the moms. Really really nice. DN loves looking through the scrapbook and he asks to "read" it everyday. I know he will miss his little friends terribly while we're over there.

Wait for us, we'll be back real soon. Right-O, cheerio!

DN : "Hee hee hee. While they're not looking, I'll scoff down my 390th satay!"

The scrapbook :)

L-R : Sophie, Clarence, DN, Arianne, Jovann, Clarice, Reubern

DN requested for the scrapbook during breakfast

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