Saturday, December 27, 2008

How we spent our Christmas Day

It wasn't a white Christmas (BIG phew) but it was an unexpectedly sunny one. This was a pleasant surprise because when you look up at the sky over here, you usually see something resembling an elephant's bum - grey and threatening.

So we happily headed out to the New Forest to see the ponies and deer. By the way, the New Forest is anything but new. It is in actual fact terribly old (trust the English to confuse us all... think 'Reading', the city and 'reading', the verb) because it was created in 1079 by William the Conqueror. It was the only place we could go to because it's a complete shut-down here on Christmas Day.

As I packed a light lunch for all of us, I thought of the nice little picnic we would be having in the bright sunshine. And I was so proud of myself because I didn't forget the cutlery! Nothing could dampen my spirit.

DN's lunch? Check.
Our lunch? Check.
Vegetables for all? Check.
Fruits for all? Check.
Cutlery? Check.
Assortment of beverages? Check.

Nothing could go wrong! ... Right?

Wrong. It was too blinking cold to eat outside! We ended up retreating back to the car for lunch. -_- Oh well.

DN's lunch
Main Box :: fried rice (with egg, mushrooms, yellow pepper, carrots, beans)
Sweets Box :: 1/2 granola bar, dried apricots and blueberries, almonds, multi-vits
Vege Box :: broccoli, apples

Our Lunch
The same as DN's but with more chilli and salt! (not on the apples though)

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