Saturday, August 15, 2009

About Bessie

I realise I haven't really been talking much about Bessie on this blog and I think Bessie knows because I had Braxton Hicks all day yesterday! Like ALL DAY. Think she's trying to tell me something, hmm. They were still kind of mild and hardly causing me any discomfort, so I'm not that fussed, but woah nelly, I don't have that much longer to go! Technically, it's 20 days to Bessie's EDD (which happens to be the exact same day as DN's EDD) and I am willing myself to pop on 2 Sept - DN's birthday! So hang in there Bessie, no rush. If Bessie really makes her grand arrival on 2 Sept, we're definitely stopping at 2 because if #3 doesn't come out on 2 Sept as well, I will not be able to live with myself. How can one ever live with that kind of inconsistency??? It's just as bad as NOT having all your Yusof Ishaks in your wallet facing the same direction.

Which person in the back snorted "anal retentive"? COME HERE!

This pregnancy with Bessie is very different from when I was pregnant with DN. With DN, I had morning sickness, but nibbling on dried mangoes always did the trick. With Bessie, I puked on the road. Like, on my car tyre! Eeep.

While pregnant with DN, I was quite fit. With no 3 year old to take care of, I could go to the gym 3 times a week. Yoga, pilates, spinning, body pump? Bring it on! Now? Prttthhhfff! Not only is the flesh unwilling, the spirit has gone on no pay leave too. Bah.

Halfway into my pregnancy with DN, no one knew I was pregnant. I was just DYING for the bump to show because I just looked like I had really enjoyed myself at some buffet, sorry, BUFFETS. This time? Bah. I started getting comments like, "Wah, you're so big ah?" in month THREE. @#$%*!! *piah*piah* (read: slap, slap!)

But overall, I cannot complain because Bessie is doing well and growing well. At 36.5 weeks, she weighs about 2.5kg and doc says she'll probably just hit 3kg by the time I pop. Measurements suggest that she's a little on the petite side, but PF and I both agree that health is definitely wealth so it's okay!

And how's DN dealing with the idea of having a baby sister? Well, he knows there's a baby in mummy's belly, but I'm positive he doesn't know what's really flying his way come September. Actually, us too, because the motley (and hao lian) pair of PF and I are still insisting on sleeping at 12-1am even though we know full well about the sleepless nights ahead of us. Back to DN. He can be quite sweet to his Mei Mei at times. We have an empty kitchen roll that we use as a "baby telephone" and DN uses it to talk to his little sister. He says things like, "Hello! My name is Ong Der Nen. Mei Mei, what are you doing?"


And the other day he sang Baa Baa Black Sheep to her. She responded by kicking him back.


We haven't decided on Bessie's real name (it's NOT "Bessie"!) so the other day, we asked DN, "What do you think Mei Mei's name should be?" His reply? (and it was instantaneous) "Ong Baby Mei Mei!"


I bet, if he had known about the wonderful, multiple uses of the word "DUH", he would have added "Like DUH, people" at the end of that.

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