Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Little One!

5 days old
14 days old
23 days old
30 days old
And just like that, a whole month has passed. :) Already I can tell what kind of little girl you're going to be. Well, sort of.

You have a very different cry from your brother's when he was a newborn. It almost seems like a 'gentle' cry, if a cry can be called gentle. Even your little farts sound gentle, like little air pops! Hmm... except for that one time in the middle of the night when you really let it rip because you thought we were all sleeping. Sneaky.

You're a pretty chillin' babe. When your older brother was a wee one, he could never sit still in his bouncer. He always needed a change in scenery. You on the other hand, like to chill. You can sit in your bouncer, for up to 20 minutes sometimes, just looking around, looking at your mobile, and basically just chillin'. Groovy.

You hate a dirty diaper. And in this respect, you're just like your brother. But then again, who likes sitting in poop all day? Especially poop that looks like radioactive tau suan. Your favourite place is the changing table. You hardly ever cry whenever you're there. Odd.

Like a true lady, you don't like burping, and hardly ever. And that means I spend quite a bit of time just thumpthumpthumping you on the back until you let it rip like a bullfrog. Just this week though, you've taken a fancy to spitting LOTS of milk out when you burp. Nasty.

And oh yeah, one last thing... you coo like a pigeon! I love it!

Happy Birthday little Der Shyen! I love you.

Very very much.

(and now I'm going to SHOWER, change and Papa is going to bring both of us OUT for some Japanese dessert!)

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