Friday, October 09, 2009

I'm sure we'll get better at this... right?!??

Our confidence highly bolstered by this successful trip, we brought both kiddos out the next day. Nothing too ambitious. Just two stops. One, to a friend's to pick up some homemade yoghurt muffins. Two, to VivoCity for lunch with my mum. You know how being a 2nd time mum makes you wiser and more experienced in the ways of the child, and more adept at getting them ready and bringing them out?

This WASN'T one of those times.

We started getting ready at 9.30am but finally left at 11.30am. Two hours to get the whole family ready? Goodness, what nonsense is this!?

At 9.30am, I sent a text saying we'll pick the muffins up at 10.15am.

At 10am, DN was all nicely decked out in jeans and a t-shirt. Even his socks were on. He was the only one dressed. I sent another text - 10.45am.

At 10.15am, PF was still in his boxers replying to some work emails. The baby was also dressed but had just pooped. Argh, and now she wants to feed. Never mind, send another text - 11am.

At 10.45am, the diaper bag was finally packed, the adults were all dressed, but the toddler was now only in his underwear because he had taken off his wet jeans. Hold on, wet jeans? Yes, wet jeans. DN was secretly playing with water as I fed the baby and as PF was working at the computer. Okay. Keep calm. Keep calm. Don't lose the plot. Re-dress toddler and let's go! Er, no. WE FORGOT TO SET UP THE CAR SEAT! Send another text - 11.30am.

At 11.15am, you'd think we would have left by now right? No. Let's just say after the whole rigmarole of putting the car seat together (the fabric bits and bobs were just washed and still hanging on the line) and then setting it up in the car, my sweat-drenched, toiling husband had to take a shower.


We left at 11.30am.

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