DN received a few party invitations this month. (Can you say "party animal"?) All the wonderful hosts were so thoughtful to set aside a play area for all the little ones. There were activity tables, ball pits, bouncy zebras/horses, games and coupe cars. Yes, you heard me right, a coupe! And trust all the little boys (and their daddies, LOL) to be fighting over that one at Jovann's party.
Break it up, people! Break it up!
Birthday girl, Arianne.
Birthday girl, Trinity.
Birthday boy, Jovann, and his Mom & Dad.
DN & Amabel in the ball pit...
... DN climbing up the slide...
... and feeling up a zebra!
Click on this picture and check out all the fancy-schmancy cakes the Sept babies had!
The Little Tykes coupe is this little car that operates like Fred Flintstone's car. Except of course, that DN's little legs are still too short so his was powered by PF and yours truly. It was interesting to see how PF and I both "drove" the car differently. (*hint: PF is Jay Chou and I am Morgan Freeman -_-)
DN received 2 more invitations to parties on 22 Sept and 29 Sept, but he couldn't go because he contracted... HAND, FOOT & MOUTH DISEASE! *horrors* He had blisters in the palms of his hands, on the soles of his feet and in his throat. He didn't want to drink any water, so we had to squirt water into his mouth with a syringe. He had a short fuse and little things would set him off - taking the remote control away from him, not giving him his crackers fast enough, not letting him walk, etc.
The first night was terrible. He woke up almost every hour (i.e. about 8 times that night!) and after a while, I didn't want to sleep because, what's the point?! Poor little guy. The ulcers in his throat must have been a pain.
BUT! The illness didn't affect his energy level at all. He was still as active as ever, wanting to walk everywhere. Just 3 weeks ago, DN could only walk about 8 steps before falling over, but now, he's pottering about everywhere.