Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Duracell Bunny on Speed

DN attended Jovann's birthday party on Sunday. We also attended J's first birthday party last year, and I must say, the Teos really know how to throw a party. It was a "Thomas The Tank Engine Party" so there were Thomas mylar balloons, a Thomas tablecloth, a Thomas phwoarh-phwoarh cake, Thomas goodie bags for all the kids and even Thomas The Tank Engine was playing on the TV while we were there!

WP, I want to be your child!

During the party, DN was playing with all the toys and feasting on fried noodles, cookies, hard-boiled egg dipped in mee siam gravy, chocolate fudge cake and ribena. We also had fun with a "special" Thomas Story Telling session (details akan datang... next post!) and a Happy Helium session. Remember DN's birthday wishes last year? Well, there were 40 helium balloons on the ceiling this time, just waiting to be ingested. It was inevitable. Come to mama!

After laughing ourselves silly (the kiddos weren't very amused though), we decided to do the cultural thing and went downstairs to Ti Deng Long because it was Mid-Autumn Day. WP included a child-safe little lantern (with a little red LED light instead of a candle) in all the goodie bags so everyone was properly equipped. This also meant we could turn off the electric dinosaur lantern with the spinning belly (don't ask) that was belting out "Ai-yee-ai-yee-ai! I'm a little butterfly!" at supersonic speed, and (sadly) sound frequency. Die dinosaur, DIEEEEE!

So that was our Sunday. Until 10pm. -_-

DN was so stimulated that night, he didn't sleep until midnight! He was like a Duracell bunny on speed and 20 cups of coffee. His usual bedtime is 830-9pm, so 12am is insane for him. When we turned the lights off and put him in bed, he got out and started walking around the room and talking to himself. I even tried to be a good role model and lay down on the bed and went, "SNORRRE!" (for real actually, I fell asleep) but to no avail. DN was unstoppable. Until now, I have no idea what time he eventually fell asleep. But I do know what time he woke up. 6am! I know because the first thing he said when he woke up was, "CAKE! CAKE! CAKE! CAKE! CAKE!" For 5 minutes. -_-

Talk about overstimulation! There IS such a thing as "too much fun".

The 3 tots on a lantern jaunt. Can you see the "ai-yee-ai-yee-ai" dinosaur lantern in the background?


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