Friday, January 29, 2010

The Chair Series (5 months old)

Do you know that towards the end of every month, I'm literally counting down the days to the 29th just so I can take a pic of DS in our rocking chair? I have all these photos stored in my phone so when I have nothing else better to do (actually that's a lie because I ALWAYS have something else I should be doing instead - i.e. WORK), I just scroll through the pictures with this goofy smile on my face. Sometimes I even go, "awww, mei mei!". *proud mother hen*

So what has Little Miss Ong been up to this month? Well, you know how I was so worried about her forming an unhealthy relationship with her thumb? Well, guess what? I don't have to now! Now, I have to worry about that relationship with her big toe. *groan* Every chance she gets, she'll reach for her toe and stuff it into her mouth. The first few times I was in awe because she literally folds herself into half by doing that. Pretty amazing stuff. I mean, if I tried munching on my own big toe, I'd probably get it halfway up my body before my back snaps.

Miss Ong is also laughing a lot more now. And the only person who can make her laugh ALL the time is DN. Sometimes, he doesn't even have to do anything. She's just content with watching him jump up and down. And up and down. And up and down. Why do babies love other little children? It's really very endearing to watch. And me? I love watching toddlers laughing at babies watching them laugh. Haha!

I went back to work full-time this month so that means DS has been on the bottle pretty much full-time too. She has five milk feeds a day and I only get to latch her on twice. Once in the morning and once more before she goes to bed. Thankfully and luckily, transitioning to the bottle and back has not been an issue at all. In fact, I think even transitioning to other bottled drinks will not be a problem too because she's been trying to snatch Yakult bottles away from us!

At the beginning of her 5th month, she wasn't doing full flips yet, just a lot of rocking half-flips. You know, she tries to swing her leg over then ends up rocking back and forth and back and forth until she lands on her back again. By the end of the first week, she finally does her first proper flip (with one hand still stuck underneath though). This caused problems at night. She would shuffle and flip in her sleep until she's on her chest and then wide awake! For a few nights, I had to flip her back because she was stuck on her chest, tired and crying! Right now our little missy has not mastered flipping back onto her back, but this week, she started pulling her other hand out from under her. :)

We brought her to the PD last week for a general check-up and guess what? She's probably allergic to milk too. ARGH! You see, on about five occasions, I've noticed a little streak of blood in DS's poo. It's not much at all, just a little bit, and because she seemed generally well and happy, we just left it at that. When we asked her PD, he said it's possibly an allergic reaction to my breastmilk. There's something in there that's triggering a bursting of blood vessels in her gut, and it's most probably dairy, the most common allergen. So now, I'm not allowed any dairy at all. (PF is secretly very pleased because I become very (ahem) gassy when I have too much milk or yoghurt. Hey, better out than in I say!)

And at the fifth month PD visit, DS weighs 6.6kg and is 64cm tall long. :)

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