Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Om nom nom nom!

A few days before DS turned 6 months old, I really couldn't wait any more I started her on solids. After thinking about it for a while, I finally realised why I find weaning so fun. It's like masak-masak! But way better because the baby is REAL! *chuckle* This time, the baby will REALLY eat the food. Sadly, the baby will also really poop. *sigh*

And that's the one thing I wasn't looking forward to. Babies on breastmilk have, erm, okay maybe not exactly "pleasant", but "acceptable" smelling poo, which actually adds to their innocence. It's like they can do no wrong. When they start on solids however, they become... sinners just like us. The good thing is though, you can now start blaming them after you've let go some nasty gas. Ha!

Okay, back to weaning. In the beginning, DS was more interested in the spoon than in the baby cereal (we started her on brown rice cereal just like DN). But after a while, she got the hang of it. She's not a natural greedy one gourmet like her brother though. I remember DN just taking to feeding like a fish to water, but not his sister. She doesn't really seem that interested in food. Okay, that she definitely didn't get from me!

DN was a dream to feed. He would open and close his mouth like those little birds in their nests. I also remember him craning his neck forward, waiting for the next spoonful full of pureed pear / apple / carrot etc. DS doesn't do this at all. I've tempted her with papaya, pureed apple and avocado so far, but she's not super keen on them. I mean, she will eat them, but only because it's being shovelled into her mouth. I hope this one doesn't give me problems later on!

She's almost cross-eyed here... kept staring at the spoon!

Mmtftpht... what's this muck you're... mmftphtt... stuffing in my face?

I think she likes it???
 Can't really tell huh? This is one of those smirk-smiles. Don't know if she's laughing or growling.

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